Saturday, July 25, 2020

Does your stomach mute waste?

Do not worry, we will not tell you a secret and trust you in it, because the matter here is not related to your ability to conceal secrets and not divulge them, but rather your suffering from muzzling, which is constipation which is a problem that affects many, and in addition to the inconvenience it may cause you, it involves health risks, as it may be an indication On the presence of a disease.

The Arabs called the constipation the name "muzzling," and that is from silence. Just as a man hides what is in himself and does not divulge it to people, so is the belly when he hides what is left over and excuses with it on the way out, but the first silence of secrets is Mahmoud, not everything that is known is said. The second silence of litter is blameless and bad for health and body.

The rate of discharge varies from one person to another, but in general the person is considered to have a mucus if he excretes less than three times per week, and his stools are dry and hard, and one may also experience difficulty defecating or feel pain caused by stool hardness.

In many cases, hiccup is temporary, as happens with students who travel to study outside their home countries for the first time, as their diet changes suddenly, which leads to infection, which is soon to disappear after the student organizes his meals and daily routines.

Absorption and dehydration
Stool passes in the intestine that re-absorbs water and salts from it that the body needs, and it moves in the intestine due to contractions of the muscles of its walls. If this movement slows down in the intestine, this means stools stay in it for a long time, which means absorbing a large amount of water from it and thus dryness and constipation .

Likewise, congestion may occur if a person is taken from dietary fibers and water a little. Fibers give stool volume and stimulate bowel movement, and water shortages lead to dry stools.

An unhealthy lifestyle play a big role in healing, lack of physical activity, dependence on fast foods that are poor in fiber and low intake of water are all factors that slow down the bowel movement and the excretion process, and the requirements of daily responsibilities may cause some to ignore the need to go to the bathroom and defecate stool, although the person has It succeeds in postponing going to the bathroom, but this leads to the absorption of more fluid from the stool, and thus an increased risk of constipation.

Laxatives are harmful
During the past period, a new reason for constipation has emerged, represented by the laxatives that have become a habit for some, as they think that it helps them to thin and lose weight, which may be in the form of tea or powder swallowed or liquid, and it is true that these laxatives may push the person to go to the bathroom, but it does not burn fat , As it irritates the intestine and this is how it works, so it may be harmful in the long run.

As for stopping these laxatives, the person enters a very severe case of healing, as his intestines have become lazy and inactive and have become accustomed to the rescued laxative that no longer exists to save her and help the person, so going to his bathroom turns into a nightmare.

Although the matter may seem simple, chronic constipation is a dangerous thing, as it may lead to a set of complications including hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse where part of it comes out from the anus, and stool is jammed where the steel collects from it in the intestine and is no longer possible to be excreted by the natural movement, which may require Mechanically remove it from the intestine.

To keep your gut active and on your stomach away from hush, we advise you to do the following:
1- Be active and exercise most days of the week. Walk and cuddle your needs on foot and do not let the car accompany you as your shadow.
2 - Eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains, and before that consult your doctor, as suddenly your move to a diet rich in fiber may cause you to swell and gas, so the gradual transfer is better.
3- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. To make sure your body needs water and fluids, see your doctor, who may recommend that you drink more if you exercise or live in a hot atmosphere.
4- Whole grain flakes contain fiber, but you must also drink enough water with them, so eating a diet rich in fiber, and not drinking enough water may lead to an increase in constipation or its occurrence.
5- When you feel the need to go to the bathroom, go straight away and do not hesitate. The defenseless defender is harmful to your appearance - as you know - and your health, and the world will not fly, but your body may be hurt.
6- If the constipation is accompanied by pain or blood or comes alternating with diarrhea or a long time ago, see a doctor immediately and do not stop trying to adjust your food.

Steav Author: Steav

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