Saturday, July 25, 2020

10 common mistakes parents make with newborn babies ... Here are the solutions

The arrival of the newborn to the home is one of the most wonderful and beautiful moments in the lives of parents, but their care for this little one is often accompanied by many fears and perplexity, especially when it comes to the first child.

Errors and tips
Andrea Fernandez Rodriguez presented in a report published by the Spanish magazine "Bequia Padres" a set of common mistakes that parents often make during the first weeks of a baby's life that are usually full of discoveries and learning about the needs and desires of this new object, and therefore a set of tips and solutions to overcome these difficulties:

1- Let the infant sleep during the day and night
Some newborns sleep a lot, do not wake up on their own for breastfeeding, which often happens with those who were born early, and in the event that the child does not wake up when he needs food, the pediatricians are advised to wake him up every two or three hours for the mother to breastfeed him during the day and night.

2- Rushing to impose a routine on him
A routine cannot be imposed on newborns, so there is no way to plan for the next days if there is a baby at home, the only certainty during the first weeks is that you have to feed him every two or three or four hours at the latest.

During this period, one of the parents must be constantly present to provide care, and as a result their schedule is subject to change according to the mood of the newborn who begins to gradually get used to a daily routine.

3- Go to crowded places
It is advised not to rush to expose the child to mixing with people and going to the public places during the first weeks after his birth, as the infant needs calm, and here is not only total silence but calm, and because the child's immune system is in it's early stages, the large number of peoples around it makes it vulnerable to disease.

In the event that you are invited to a social event & feel embarrassed not to go, the best solution is to apologize for not accepting the invitation because of a full-time child care.

4- Not taking the baby out of the house
The need for newborns to calm down does not mean leaving them for an entire month in a closed place in the house and isolating them from visits, as pediatricians are advised to take the infant and walk to be exposed directly to the sun to produce vitamins in the body, and this activity helps parents to relax, which is a golden opportunity to start enjoying family life after the arrival The New Born.

5- Uncertainty of installing the child's seat in car
A suitable chair should be sought before your baby is born and securely attached to the back seat, and parents will start to benefit from it from the first day that the newborn leaves the hospital and goes home.

When driving the car, attention should be paid to not leaning the child's head forward, as this may hinder his breathing, and therefore the position of the chair at an appropriate angle of inclination is important until the head is back and the body is comfortable and the head is able to move.

It is noteworthy that most children sleep while riding in the car, so it may be an appropriate opportunity for those who have difficulty sleeping to enjoy relaxation.

6- Not to release the gases from the baby's stomach
A common mistake that parents make is not to allocate enough time to enable the child to get rid of gases, and that is why the child suffers from vomiting, spitting, losing milk, or even waking up because of the cramps caused by the gases.

Experts advise patting the infant's back or gently massaging him with his pregnancy and placing his chin on the shoulder so that his abdomen is resting on the chest of his mother or father.

7- Not to release gases before feeding
Most parents believes that all they need is to rid the child of gas after eating, but pediatricians advise to do this before feeding, to reduce the possibility of suffering from them.
8- Not paying attention to the bathroom conditions
Parents feel confused the first time they bath the baby because his body is still very small and sensitive.

When bathing an infant, it is very important to pay attention to the water temperature must be between 36.5 and 37 degrees, that is, neither cold nor hot, as the skin of the infant is sensitive.

Avoid air currents, and use chemical-free soap.

Meanwhile, crying during this experience remains to be expected and should not be worryed about.

9 - Wrong preparation of milk
There are common mistakes when mixing baby milk powder with water, as the amount of powder is little or superfluous, and it is very important to follow the instructions and standards set out on the milk carton, and in case parents are suspicious of any doubt, they should seek help from the pediatrician.

10- Not to follow intuition
With the arrival of new baby, it is common for relatives and friends to provide advice based on their personal experiences, and those tips are useful, but each child is different from the other in the end.

Doctors advise to pay attention to intuition and feelings when caring for the infant's parents, because the easiest way to solve small problems, and when the problem is complex or ambiguous must be addressed to specialists such as a pediatrician, but in most cases it is sufficient to obtain a simple answer or advice by doing an online consultation.

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