Saturday, July 25, 2020

How to protect yourself from the Corona virus when shopping?

Shopping is very essential even in times of quarantine. So, how will you protect yourself from infection with the Corona virus by having many people in stores? Learn the most important advice from a German specialist!
Corona virus cases increase daily in Germany. While some people do quarantine due to the accelerating rhythm of the virus, others gather at parties with indifference or caution against catching or transmitting the infection that has claimed thousands of lives. However, what is worrisome is that indifferent people also go to shopping centers to buy food alongside healthy people. This is why it is advised to be careful and rethink your shopping behavior at this time.

There are some few steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from infection with the emerging SKV when shopping. Dr. has revealed Thomas Fuchard, lung disease specialist at the German Society of Lung and Respiratory Diseases, in an interview with the German magazine "Stern" on the most important tips to keep you safe while shopping. The most important of them was adherence to the stone and not going to shopping except when absolutely necessary, in the shopping centers many people congregate and the risk of transmission is great. He also warned people with corona, or even a cold or flu, not to go out, because that could put a large number of people at risk of infection as well.

Dr. recommends So he avoided touching a lot of things during shopping, and sterilizing hands immediately before returning to the car or bus, and he also recommended that hands should be washed before leaving the house, but when arriving at home, purchases must be set aside and washing hands very carefully even before taking off the jacket, and he says that it is better Wash hands twice for 20 seconds. After arranging the purchases, go back to washing your hands again.

What about gloves?

With regard to wearing gloves and masks, said Dr. So he said, wearing gloves always indicates: “I only think of myself, not others.” He explained that gloves may be responsible for transmitting viruses everywhere upon touching. As for sleeves, it is not necessary to wear them, but it is advised to wear the mask when there are symptoms in order to avoid transmitting the infection to others.

Dr. Foshar also pointed out that viruses do not last long on surfaces, but it is important to wash fruits and vegetables well, and wash hands before cooking as always.

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