Saturday, July 25, 2020

What are the symptoms of dehydration

Water is a chemical compound that is dispersed in large quantities in the ground; It covers 70% of its area, and it is also an essential element for the life of animals, plants, and people on earth. It constitutes 80% of the weight of all living things, and the human body in particular consists of no less than 70% of water, and is responsible for the completion of chemical reactions in the body. Many people do not take the importance of drinking enough water daily seriously, as they consume less than what the body requires to maintain the activity of its organs and its natural functions, but what many people are unaware of is that the most common and most prevalent diseases are mainly due to the dehydration of the human body from water, and in this article, we will talk about what causes the lack of drinking water.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

Dizziness and headache

Dehydration causes a decrease in the level of water in the body, vertigo, and headache due to a lack of the number of fluids surrounding the brain, and dehydration causes a slight flow of oxygen from the blood to the brain.


Water helps soften the digestive system, maintains its cleanliness and resilience, which helps in regular bowel movements and prevents constipation, and also the lack of water causes vomiting, diarrhea, or stool leading to constipation.

Poor focus

The brain consists of 90% of water, and the lack of drinking water affects memory, decision-making, and mood, and causes difficulty in focusing, forgetting, and continuous thinking, in addition to lack of sleep, fatigue, and failure to perform cognitive tasks.

Urine color changes

Urination between four to seven times a day is a healthy process, and in case of little urination, this is evidence of the body’s lack of water, and the color of urine indicates the level of hydration; As the color of light or transparent urine indicates that the body is moist, and yellow or dark urine indicates the body’s lack of water.

Fatigue and lethargy

Lack of water causes low blood pressure and insufficient oxygen to the body, including the brain; The lack of oxygen in the brain causes feelings of deep hibernation, fatigue, and drowsiness.

What are the causes of scalp pain?

The reason behind scalp pain is due to one of the following reasons:

Life practices: and among them; certain hairstyles, wearing headbands or helmets, and continuous or incorrect use of hair products such as; dye, using hair dryers or ironing tools and wrapped hair. Rub or use a hairbrush while wet so that the hair follicles will be broken. It should be noted that there are other factors that may cause scalp pain, such as; sunburn, insect bites, and acne.

Folliculitis: is caused by follicles, viruses, or fungal infections in the follicles or follicles. The inflammation appears as a red pimple that causes pain in the scalp and may contain a white head and scales.

Alopecia: There are several forms of alopecia hair loss, including Alopecia. Alopecia areata that causes pain in the scalp as a result of hair follicles falling in the form of circular groups of the scalp, which results in the emergence of empty patches of hair in the scalp, and there is the total alopecia which includes the loss of all hair of the head.

Occipital neuralgia: Occipital Neuralgia is a type of headache, which affects sensory nerves that extend from the upper part of the neck to the back of the head, and pain appears as a pulse, soreness, burning, or severe stabbing pain It can appear on one or both sides of the head, and pain can also move from its position to the side of the head, or forward to the forehead. In fact, occipital neuralgia can be accompanied by other headache symptoms such as; Sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, and scalp pain, and the person may experience an increase in pain when moving the neck.

Head lice: Infection of head hair with small lice insects leads to severe itching of the scalp, which may result in painful skin ulcers on the scalp, usually lice eggs are associated with the body of the hair, It should be noted that lice are highly contagious and can remain on the scalp for up to 30 days, while eggs can live longer.

Dermatitis: Dermatitis is a common condition that includes the appearance of a rash, itching, and swelling of the skin, in addition to the possibility of blisters and scales. The cause of these symptoms is often caused by the contact of the skin of the scalp with certain substances such as; Minerals, soaps, poison ivy, cosmetics, some hair cleaners, and hair products.

The benefits of avocados for bodybuilding

What are the benefits of avocado for bodybuilding?

Many bodybuilders wonder what avocado benefits there are for bodybuilding? That is why we would like to clarify its multiple benefits:

Avocado fruits contain a high percentage of protein needed for bodybuilders, especially since protein is the most important component of muscle building.

Avocado bodybuilding players help them boost testosterone production in the body, which is one of the elements needed to build better muscle.

Avocado contains many nutrients that fight inflammation, thus protecting the player’s body from exposure to muscle inflammation.

General avocado benefits

Avocado fruits contain many antioxidants such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and other antioxidants that work to strengthen the immune system in the body and thus protect the body from infection with many diseases.

These fruits contain magnesium, which contributes to maintaining cardiovascular health and protecting people from strokes.

These fruits contain folic acid and vitamin B as well as trans fats that are good for the body. The antioxidants present in these fruits help to fight free radicals in the body, thereby protecting the body from exposure to cancerous diseases, and from the appearance of early signs of aging on the skin. These fruits contain a good amount of dietary fiber, which works to suppress appetite, which leads to a feeling of satiety and therefore does not lead to an increase in body weight. Dietary fiber in these fruits helps treat many stomach problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and others. Eating avocado fruits helps to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus protecting the body from heart attacks or atherosclerosis.

What is the best treatment for dandruff?

Steps to get rid of dandruff
The use of special shampoo for dandruff: Each type of its components are effective in the treatment of dandruff and these are some of the components that enter into the manufacture of anti-dandruff shampoo: ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and salicylic acid, pyrethrin zinc. And it is possible to switch between types of shampoo if the type that was used gave a good result in the beginning and then lost its effectiveness in treating dandruff.

Rub the hair with the appropriate shampoo when washing it, and leave it on the hair for 5 minutes or according to the instructions recorded before washing it.

Expose hair to the sun as much as possible, taking care to put sunscreen on the body to avoid harmful sun rays.

Take vitamin B and zinc.

Avoid using hair gel or hair spray.

Wash hair regularly


To get rid of dandruff quickly and easily: It contains salicylate used to make anti-dandruff shampoo. The method is: [5] Two tablespoons of aspirin are added to shampoo and applied to the hair with a scalp massage. Leave aspirin on the hair for one to two minutes, then rinse with water, then shampoo.

Moisturizing scalp oils:

Moisturizing scalp oils are used to keep the scalp moist to fight dandruff, and its method is: A cup of olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil is heated to become warm and applied to the scalp with the massage. Wrap hair with a towel and leave the oiled overnight. The next morning, he washes hair to remove traces of oil from him.

Baking soda:

Baking soda to treat dandruff, and is used by applying a handful of baking soda to the hair and scalp while washing the hair with shampoo, then washing the hair with warm water

Egg yolk:

Egg yolk is useful for getting rid of dandruff. And it is used by the following method: [6] Whisk the amount of yolk of one or two eggs and place on dry hair. A plastic cap is placed on the hair and left for an hour. Wash hair with appropriate water and shampoo.

How to protect yourself from the Corona virus when shopping?

Shopping is very essential even in times of quarantine. So, how will you protect yourself from infection with the Corona virus by having many people in stores? Learn the most important advice from a German specialist!
Corona virus cases increase daily in Germany. While some people do quarantine due to the accelerating rhythm of the virus, others gather at parties with indifference or caution against catching or transmitting the infection that has claimed thousands of lives. However, what is worrisome is that indifferent people also go to shopping centers to buy food alongside healthy people. This is why it is advised to be careful and rethink your shopping behavior at this time.

There are some few steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from infection with the emerging SKV when shopping. Dr. has revealed Thomas Fuchard, lung disease specialist at the German Society of Lung and Respiratory Diseases, in an interview with the German magazine "Stern" on the most important tips to keep you safe while shopping. The most important of them was adherence to the stone and not going to shopping except when absolutely necessary, in the shopping centers many people congregate and the risk of transmission is great. He also warned people with corona, or even a cold or flu, not to go out, because that could put a large number of people at risk of infection as well.

Dr. recommends So he avoided touching a lot of things during shopping, and sterilizing hands immediately before returning to the car or bus, and he also recommended that hands should be washed before leaving the house, but when arriving at home, purchases must be set aside and washing hands very carefully even before taking off the jacket, and he says that it is better Wash hands twice for 20 seconds. After arranging the purchases, go back to washing your hands again.

What about gloves?

With regard to wearing gloves and masks, said Dr. So he said, wearing gloves always indicates: “I only think of myself, not others.” He explained that gloves may be responsible for transmitting viruses everywhere upon touching. As for sleeves, it is not necessary to wear them, but it is advised to wear the mask when there are symptoms in order to avoid transmitting the infection to others.

Dr. Foshar also pointed out that viruses do not last long on surfaces, but it is important to wash fruits and vegetables well, and wash hands before cooking as always.

Protect yourself from the Corona virus and know the most germ-infested places in your bedroom

Germs, viruses and bacteria are living things around you. When you touch the surfaces that carry them, you become more susceptible to infection with viruses or bacteria, and many recent medical studies have proven that your bedroom is one of the most places full of germs in your home, and this increases your chances of disease. .

The report, published on "THE HEALTHY", presented the places in your bedroom that contain many germs, including:
Carpets and floors
Medium carpets contain about 200,000 types of bacteria, and this number is about 4000 times more than your toilet seat, and also floors. Heavy dirt enters the floor and light dust sits on it, so you have to clean it well at least once a week.
Your curtains are not exposed to sunlight, which plays a major role in killing bacteria and germs. This makes the curtains magnetic for dirt and dirt, so they should be washed at least twice a year.
Door Handles
Hands touch her every day, which makes her full of germs, and the solution is to wash hands thoroughly, and to keep clean any surface that is touched repeatedly, it must be cleaned daily.
If your mattress is present for a period of more than ten years, it has become a fertile environment for the accumulation of germs and bacteria, so your chances of injury increase and you are exposed to severe colds and as a result of the accumulation of dust, and therefore must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner well.
Do you keep makeup in your bedroom? Beware of the expiration date of each item, when scientists at the University of London Metropolitan tested five common beauty products (blush, lipstick, lips, foundation, and mascara), they found that old cosmetics contain high levels of bacteria known to cause meningitis and infections Staphylococcus aureus.

Tourists love travel ... How to protect yourself from corona infection?

Many people prefer to go out on cruise trips by ship, whether freely or Nile to spend a fun time, but with the spread of Corona virus, taking this type of trip has become a great danger and a good opportunity for the spread of the Corona virus among the members of the trip due to a lot of mixing between them, which is what really happened in the Italian ship that Thousands remained in detention because of the number of people living with the virus inside.
US Vice President Mike Pines also announced that nearly half of the 46 people who were tested positive for Corona virus on board the cruise ship Grand Princess docking off San Francisco, their results were positive, and the fate of more than 3,500 passengers and crew consisting of more than From 50 countries is not clear, according to the newspaper "The Guardian" British.

All these facts require strict precautionary measures when deciding to participate in a tourist trip in ships or boats and yachts, according to the CDC and recommended that all travelers reconsider the cruise ship trips, where passengers of cruise ships are exposed to an increased risk From the spread of infectious diseases from one person to another.

The CDC report stressed that travelers should reconsider cruise ship travel, and realize that due to the current state of public health, many countries have implemented strict screening measures to prevent the spread of the new Corona virus that causes COVID-19. This is a dynamic situation and ship passengers may be affected by travel restrictions that affect their routes or their ability to disembark or may be subject to quarantine measures implemented by local authorities.

What travelers can do to protect themselves?
1- Avoid contact with patients, as the elderly and travelers with basic health problems may be at risk of contracting an even more severe disease, such as the Corona virus.

2- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

3- Clean your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds at least, also after going to the bathroom or for example before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or bloating.

4 - If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60% -95% of alcohol.

5 - If you are on a cruise and feel fever, coughing or difficulty breathing within 14 days of your travel, you should avoid contact with others.

6 - Do not travel during illness.

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